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Nostro and Vostro Accounts: Key Concepts and Benefits

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Both Nostro and Vostro accounts are significant participants in the complicated setup of international banking, facilitating the banks to undertake any cross-border activity about a foreign exchange transaction. While indulging in cross-border activity, one should be aware of these accounts, their functions, and the differences between them. This presentation will discuss the key ideas, examples, and benefits of Nostro and Vostro accounts while providing a view of their relationship with Loro accounts.

What are Nostro and Vostro Accounts?

Before understanding what Nostro and Vostro accounts mean one must be clear to the idea that these two terms are relative and dependent on the banks in question. One may look at either of them as mirror images of the exact account between two different banks that then manage to quickly facilitate international transactions between the two.

  • Nostro Account:

The word “Nostro” comes from Latin and means “ours.” The account of the bank in one country, maintained with a bank in another country, in the currency of the second country is said to be a Nostro account. For instance, if a British Bank, say Bank A, has an account in the United States with an American bank, say Bank B, in a U.S. dollar denomination, then it is called a Nostro account by the British bank. In a simplistic sense, this is ‘our account’ in your country. Such an agreement helps the British bank to draw and accept payments in U.S. dollars without the hassle of frequent conversion of currency.

  • Vostro Account:

The word “Vostro” is derived from Latin, and its meaning stands to be “yours.” A Vostro account is an account that a foreign bank has with a domestic bank in the domestic currency. In this example, the account that the British bank, Bank A, for the American bank, Bank B, that is in U.S. dollars would be a Vostro account. Literally, “your account” in our bank. Vostro accounts offer the facility and impose upon the domestic bank the responsibility for handling transactions in the domestic currency on behalf of the foreign bank.

These accounts are the fundamental supports that underlie the whole mechanism of international banking, as they allow the banks to ensure interbank transactions from one country to another with dependability and swiftness.

Distinguishing Characteristics of Nostro and Vostro Account

While both are kinds of accounts and have a linear relationship with each other, the viewpoint, argument, and utility of the Nostro account and the Vostro account differ from each other in the aspect of international dealing.

Characteristics Nostro Accounts Vostro Accounts
Perspective When the foreign currency account is kept with another bank, it will be a Nostro account from the point of view of the bank keeping the account. For instance, if an Indian bank is in the U.S., then Bank A will refer to this as its Nostro account. From the domestic bank’s point of view, holding an account of the foreign bank in its local currency it is called a Vostro account. Bank B in the U.S. shall term the account it holds for Bank A in Indian rupees as a Vostro account.
Currency It will not have to incur frequent exchange costs and is very useful for those undertaking such activities. Local banks offer Vostro accounts to foreign banks to operate in the global market. This service, in other words, helps them provide services to foreign bodies to enter the trade and financial transactions into local currency.
Elevated Interbank Goodwill It helps a bank to have a cordial relationship with foreign banks. This makes cross-border transactions easier and engenders more trust between the institutions. All this will further imply better terms in foreign exchange deals, faster processing of transactions, and superior access to international financial markets. Vostro accounts help the home banks to either hold a relationship or to continue holding a relationship with foreign banks. This can be one source of potential increased business where a foreign bank needs a domestic bank for assistance in carrying out transactions, payments, and other financial services in a country.
Convenience and Efficiency Nostro accounts are those accounts that facilitate any business or even banks to transact business at ease when it involves other countries. The irritation of dealing with the currency conversion and exchange rate fluctuation involved in every transaction is removed since the banks are directly able to deal with the payments involved in foreign currency through their Nostro accounts. Vostro accounts bestow the same facility to the domestic banks to manage the transactions of the foreign bank in domestic currency easily. It doesn’t only make paying and receiving easier but also low in costs due to the lesser fees in case of conversion of currency.

Loro Account: An Extra Frill to International Banking

The third aspect involved in international banking is the Loro account, along with the Nostro and Vostro accounts. Very little might have been said about it, but it surely adds a different dimension to the relations between banks.


Loro Account:

The word “Loro” is a form of the Italian word for “their.” An account one bank has with another bank but is referred to from the standpoint of a third party is called a Loro account. It refers to an account held by one bank on behalf of another; the phrase is used when a third bank refers to the account in its business transactions.

For example, if Bank A has an account in the name of Bank B, but Bank C trades with either of the banks a/B or A/B using this account, Bank C will refer to it as a Loro account. Even though this concept does not relate to the functional core or everyday operation of banking, it helps to reveal the complexity and how so many layers of financial interactions are being improvised to operate within the interstices of the global banking system.

Use Cases and Applications in the Real World

Nostro, Vostro, and Loro accounts are not theoretical but find their application in a host of real-world scenarios to execute financial operations at the global level.

  • Finance for Trade
    • Nostro Accounts: Banks make use of these accounts while performing cross-border payments for goods and services in trade finance. For example, an exporter in Japan may sell his products to a U.S. party and be paid in the desired currency, U.S. dollars, from the exporter’s U.S. bank Nostro account, thus bypassing the compulsion of converting the funds.
    • Vostro Accounts: The importers majorly bank upon the Vostro accounts maintained with their banks to remit the payment to their overseas suppliers. For example, a unit importing machinery from Germany can remit the payment to a supplier in Germany in euros through their banker’s Vostro account maintained with any bank in Germany.
  • Exchange Trading
    • Nostro Accounts: These are the accounts held by a bank in the foreign exchange market by which settlement of dealings in foreign currencies is made soft. For instance, a currency-dealing bank will have a large number of Nostro accounts in several countries so that the selling and buying of the currencies is never time-lagged.
    • Vostro Accounts: These accounts contribute liquidity in forex trading for any domestic currency so that the process of settlements is enabled and the risk associated with currency fluctuation reduced that may result in loss.



Nostro and Vostro accounts constitute the base of the international banking system. These facilitate an efficient and effective flow of cross-border transactions. Banks and businesses forecast impediments and, in some instances, reverse a scenario—all helping to achieve the numerous intricacies of international finance. Nostro and Vostro accounts are mechanisms that propel the world’s economy, enabling its trade establishment, while at the same time hedging the currency risks, or simply enhancing the relationship between the interbank accounts.

Loro accounts are a less commonly discussed concept, and their very nature means that they add to the complexity of the theory; however, they do better to illustrate how banks around the world are interlinked. After all, in the dawn of globalization and the increase in worldwide transactions, such accounts will represent the focal point of how cash will easily traverse map lines.


  • What is the purpose of the Nostro and Vostro account?

The major purpose of these accounts is to make the foreign exchange process smoother, easier, and more convenient

  • What are the major disadvantages of nostro and vostro accounts?

Some of the major cons of nostro and vostro accounts include their high maintenance cost, low interest rates, and exchange rate risk.

  • What is the difference between Swift and Nostro?

The major difference between these two lies in their purpose. SWIFT codes identify banks and financial corporations, whereas nostro accounts maintain funds in a foreign currency.

  • Who owns the Nostro and Vostro accounts?

Generally, large financial institutions and corporations involved in foreign exchange and foreign transfer own nostro and vostro accounts.

  • Who can open nostro accounts in India?

Only RBI-authorized entities are allowed to open nostro accounts in India.

Read more about: Know everything about the overseas payments.

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