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Why Bank Can Close Your Account? How To Avoid it?

It’s very stressful when your bank account gets closed unexpectedly more importantly when you are using that bank account regularly. You need to understand why your banks closed your account and how to avoid these kinds of situations is very important to know. This article will help you to know the reasons behind account closure and also mention the process you can take to avoid them and also steps to take when your bank account gets closed.

Why Bank Can Close Your Account?

There are numerous reasons to answer the question “why bank can close your account” which generally falls into simple rules, security, and other operational categories. Here are some of the most common reasons why banks can close your accounts:

  1. Insufficient funds:

Maintaining insufficient funds for a long period can lead to the closure of the bank account. Usually, banks expect account holder to keep their accounts in a good state and a long negative balance shows financial insufficiency.

  1. Suspicious Activity:

Banks must have to monitor suspicious accounts according to the law to prevent illegal activities and fraud. If banks suspect unusual activity or transactions that raise doubt such as a large number of deposits with immediate withdrawals, frequent international transfers, and activity that do not match your financial profile in such situations a bank may decide to close your account.

  1. Violation of terms and conditions:

When you open a bank account in any bank you agree to sign the bank’s terms and conditions. Violating these terms e.g.: using your account for business purposes can result in the closure of your bank account.

  1. Inactivity:

If you haven’t used your bank account for a very long period the bank may close it due to a long period of inactivity. Banks also have policies regarding the time frame after which inactive bank accounts may close typically from 12 to 24 months.

How To Avoid Having Your Bank Account Get Closed

While some factors leading to account closure may not be in your control several tips can help you minimize the risk of closing your bank account

  1. Maintain a Positive Balance:

Make sure that you always have sufficient balance in your account to cover your transaction. Also, you can set up overdraft prevention to save your account from going Negative.

  1. Keep your Account active:

Don’t let your account be inactive keep doing transactions if not possible, and make at least one transaction every few months like a small deposit or withdrawal to keep your account look like active.

  1. Update your information:

Make sure that your personal information while sharing it with your bank is correct and up to date. Also, be sure to notify your bank immediately if there are any kind of changes to your address or other contact information.

  1. Report Fraud Immediately:

If you notice any kind of unauthorized or unusual transaction then let your bank know immediately. Quick reporting can prevent further fraud-related activity and can protect your account from being closed.

  1. Communicate with your bank:

In case you are facing any kind of financial difficulties or other finance-related issues that might affect your account, communicate with your bank. The bank members may be able to offer solutions or assist to help you avoid account closure.

What To Do If Your Bank Closes Your Account?

If your bank account is closed, it surely can be stressful for you to cope with it. Here are the processes you can take to solve the situation:

  1. Contact your bank:

Contact your bank as soon as possible to find out why your bank account got closed. Understanding the reason for the closure will help you figure out the next process and address any essential issues.

  1. Retrieve your funds:

Make sure that you recover any remaining balance in your closed account. Typically, the bank will provide you with the cheque of the remaining balance or also may transfer your balance to another account as per your request.

  1. Resolve outstanding issues:

If your account was closed due to unusual activity or violations of any terms and conditions, you can discuss with the bank to resolve these issues. Providing any required documentation or clarification can help you clear up the remaining misunderstanding.

  1. Open a new account:

In some cases, the closed bank account can impact your credit report, mainly if they are related to unpaid fees or a negative balance. Check your credit report for any differences and work instantly to resolve them. (You can also open global currency account using Neobanks like Walcybank.)

  1. Review your credit report:

In some cases, account closure may hamper your credit report, mainly if they are related to a negative balance or unpaid fees. So, it is necessary to review your account’s credit report for any differences and immediately work on solving them.

  1. Seek legal advice:

If you think your account was closed but it’s unfair or without any proper notice, consider seeking legal help. An advocate can make you understand your rights and options in such a situation.

Special Concerns For Business Accounts

Business accounts can also be closed by banks for similar reasons as personal accounts like suspicious activity, inactivity, and violation of terms and conditions. However, business accounts have extra additional considerations:

  • Business Account Closed by Bank:

If your business account is closed, it can disturb your process significantly. Follow the process as same as a personal account like contacting your bank, recovering your funds, and solving issues if any.

  • Closing Business Bank Account:

If you need to close your business account, willingly make sure that you follow the proper process when needed. Give notice to your bank in writing to settle any unsettled transactions and save your balance.

  • How to reopen a closed bank account

If your business account is closed and you need to reopen it you may need to provide additional papers and also let your bank know the issue that led you to do closure. And also, you can contact your bank for any specific requirements. (Know how to open a foreign currency account)


To conclude, understanding why bank can close your account and how to avoid it is important for maintaining financial stability. By keeping track of your account regularly, maintaining a positive balance, following the terms and conditions, and keeping your information up to date you can minimize the risk of account closure. In case your account is closed quickly it is mandatory to address the issue with your bank and taking steps to solve any basic problems can help you to regain your access to important banking services. Whether you have a personal account or a business account staying informed and proactive is the main to avoid account closure and ensuring smooth financial operations.

Know the benefits of global account, Know the differences between global account and traditional bank account.

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